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Why it Matters:  Read why the ANDP Loan Fund works to expand access to capital
for developers of affordable housing in Metro Atlanta. Learn More.

Capital for Community Development
ANDP Loan Fund

About the Fund | Products/ProcessCollaborations | Federal Compliance


The ANDP Loan Fund’s products and services are geared towards nonprofit and mission driven for-profit affordable and mixed income housing developers, with a focus on projects that serve low- and moderate-income neighborhoods in south metro Atlanta. We provide financing for the development or preservation of single-family homeownership and rental projects, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), and multi-family properties. Our loans typically range from $500,000 to $1.5 million and can be structured as term loans or lines of credit. We offer the following uses of funds:


Predevelopment: Funds to support project planning, soft costs, and predevelopment activities to determine project feasibility.


Acquisition:  Funds to acquire real property to create or stabilize low- to moderate-income rental or for-sale housing.


Construction:  Funds for new construction or rehabilitation.


Bridge:  Funds to provide gap/bridge financing with short-term capital.


Lines of credit for the above purposes.


Application Process​


To inquire about financing from the ANDP Loan Fund, please complete the “Tell Us More” survey on the right-hand side of this page with details about your project and financing needs.


A member of our team will respond and, if appropriate, connect you with our underwriting team, which currently is staffed by underwriters from the Reinvestment Fund (RF) - one of the nation’s largest CDFIs. As our close partner since 2014, RF frequently co-lends with ANDP and can provide capital for other community projects like health care facilities, grocery stores, education centers, and much more.


The process to apply for a loan is typically fourfold: 1) initial vetting by ANDP; 2) underwriting by RF, during which the project and borrower financials and mission criteria are evaluated and a loan structure and other covenants are established; 3) approval by ANDP staff, Loan Committee, and/or Board of Directors; and 4) necessary legal documentation to close on the loan. The entire process typically takes 60-90 days depending on project readiness and staff capacity, so please inform us of your financing needs as early as possible to get in our pipeline.


Ready for Capital?  ​

Tell Us About Your Project!


Our target borrowers are local affordable housing developers (non-profits and mission-driven for-profits) who have proven track records in low-income neighborhoods. Our current priority is funding foreclosure redevelopment of single-family homes. Working on a project that needs development capital?








Our Investors ​

With more than $74 million in total investments and more than 7,395 units of housing financed, the ANDP Loan Fund is appreciative of the support and investment from the following:


Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation

The Northern Trust Company


RBC Bank Georgia

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Bank of America


NeighborWorks America

Opportunity Finance Network

Renasant Bank

Healthcare Georgia Foundation

Woodforest Bank



Contact Us ​

For more information about how the loan fund could support your project, please contact: 


For more information about how your organization can invest in our loan fund, please contact:

Sara Haas
Vice President - Lending, Capital & Compliance
(404) 420-1604


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